ABAQUS to SDR Converter


The ABAQUS to SDR Converter option of the SdrConverter Application is used to convert ABAQUS output database files to the standard reduced file (SDR) format for use within GageMap. Static (STATIC) and frequency extraction (FREQUENCY) steps are converted. Non-linear (STEP, NLGEOM=YES) static solutions are also supported, however, the base state of geometry that is saved within the SDR file is the geometry at the end of the static step. This may be important for sensor dimensioning.

As of version 3.0, this is distributed as a seperate application. Installation requires the following:

  1. Abaqus libraries: The DLLs for Abaqus and their required dependent DLL’s are needed to execute. They must be found in the system path. A list of the required libraries can be seen here: Required Abaqus Libraries . This converter is not supported for Abaqus versions prior to Abaqus 2018. As of this writing, up to Ababqus 2021 has been tested and verified.


The following elements are supported:

2-D Continuum elements:


3-D Continuum elements:

C3D4, C3D4H, C3D6, C3D6H, C3D8, C3D8H, C3D8I, C3D8IH, C3D8R, C3D8RH, C3D10, C3D10H, C3D10I, C3D10M, C3D10MH, C3D15, C3D15H, C3D20, C3D20H, C3D20R, C3D20RH

Membrane elements:

M3D3, M3D4, M3D4R, M3D6, M3D8, M3D8R


Other elements may be present in the ODB file, however, they will not be imported (ignored) during conversion. The converter log file will list elements present but not supported.


The following materials types are supported (ELASTIC):

  1. Isotropic (TYPE=ISOTROPIC)
  3. Isotropic thermal expansion (EXPANSION,TYPE= ISO)

Non-zero thermal expansion reference temperatures are also supported. Material properties may be temperature dependent and oriented arbitrarily through orientations (ORIENTATION).


Displacement output must be present for both static load cases and modes, however element solution output (strains & stresses) is optional.

In order to convert an ABAQUS ODB file to SDR format the following output requests are recommended to be included in the ABAQUS job input file for both static loads and frequency extraction (stress and strain output is optional):


NT required if nodal temperatures are defined.

If non global Cartesian material orientations are defined, all output will be transformed into the global Cartesian coordinate system during conversion.

It is not required to supply output for the full model. For example, output for only a subset of the model through use of NSET’s and ELSET’s is supported.

Converter Options

  • Do NOT Load STATIC Load Stresses and Strains: Selecting this option will store static load cases in the GageMap SDR file without the ABAQUS strain and stress values. This will force GageMap to calculate its own strain and stress values for the model upon load.
  • Do NOT Load DYNAMIC Stresses and Strains: Selecting this option will store modes in the GageMap SDR file without the ABAQUS strain and stress values. This will force GageMap to calculate its own strain and stress values for the model upon load.
  • Use First-Order Face Types for Elements: This option forces the converter to use first-order (linear) face types for elements which are defined with second order (parabolic) face types. This will effect how strains and stresses are computed for faces only (sensor strain and stress ratios may be subsequently affected also). If the model contains parabolic elements and the GageMap computed stress distribution is non-smooth or not what as expected, reconvert the model with this option selected.